Lakarschartenweg Hiking tours
Tour description
Long hiking tour from the Krefelderhütte to the beautiful Mühlbachtal in Niedernsill.
The tour starts comfortably with a ride up the mountain to the Alpincenter.
Details & elevation profile
Starting point
Finishing point
Route type
Hiking tours
Route description:
This path begins at the Krefelder Hütte and ascends up to the Lakarscharte. From here make your way past several occupied mountain farms (the Lakaralm, the Mooslehenalm and the Schaunbergalm) until you reach the Mühlbachtal valley. Now continue
along the road further into the village of Niedernsill. From here you can return back to Kaprun with the local bus. It is also possible to go from the Schaunbergalm to Niedernsill and return by taxi
Recommended equipment
gute Kondition
Best time of year
How to get there
47.21182, 12.69638
From the Schaunberg alm also possible back by taxi:
From Niedernsill bus 670 back to Kaprun