

16.06.2024 - 29.09.2024
9 am - 8 pm
Hochsonnbergalm, nähe Maurerkogel, 5700 Zell am See

End May/beginning June 2024 again open

Summer is celebrated on the Hochsonnbergalm: There are good reasons why this alpine hut on the Schmittenhöhe has more seats on the terrace than inside. Here you can enjoy the sunshine, culinary specialities and an unobstructed view of the surrounding three-thousand-metre-high peaks.

This alpine pasture has chosen one of the sunniest spots on the Schmittenhöhe: The Hochsonnbergalm is situated in an idyllic alpine landscape and can be reached from the Schmittenhöhe upper terminus in about 1.5 hours via a hiking trail. Once you arrive at the summery Hochsonnbergalm, you will be rewarded with an impressive view of the three-thousand-metre-high peaks of the Hohe Tauern, and the view down into the valley. And of course, you will also be treated to culinary delights: homemade, regional delicacies are waiting for you. If you feel like more hiking adventure afterwards, this alpine pasture is the ideal starting point for the Pinzgau Walk or a summit tour on the Maurerkogel.


nähe Maurerkogel
5700 Zell am See


tel.: +43 664 3643481
email: ch.schatzer@a1.net