

Schmitten Café, Bergstation Schmittenhöhebahn, 5700 Zell am See

Closed in summer 2024.

Situated at an altitude of over 2,000 metres, the Schmitten Café invites you to take a break with a view of the mountains. Make yourself comfortable in a deckchair on the sun terrace and treat yourself to a break with aromatic coffee and homemade cake: The connoisseur programme on the mountain!

Fragrant coffee aromas, homemade cake variations, appetising snacks: at 2,000 metres above sea level, the sun terrace of the Schmitten Café will become your favourite place for an enjoyable break. The café is known for the best coffee on the mountain - and it lives up to its reputation! In addition to the pick-me-up, Café Schmitten also scores with its view: From the deckchair or the wooden loungers you have a view of 30 three-thousand-metre-high peaks and can count the summits. For all Sisi fans, a visit to the nearby Elisabeth Chapel will be worthwhile. There you can admire an autographed picture of the Austrian empress's visit. An ideal family excursion that can be perfectly combined with the Sisi circular hiking trail.



Schmitten Café
Bergstation Schmittenhöhebahn
5700 Zell am See